Welcome to the Counselor's Corner at Bowie Elementary!
My name is Madison Medrano and I am the Counselor at Bowie. I am here to assist you in any way that I can. I will visit each classroom once a month for guidance lessons as well as meet with students in small groups to work on various needs and social development. I will also meet with students individually, based on their needs.
What is a Counselor?
The Elementary School Counselor:
- counsels children individually and in small groups
- teaches guidance lessons in classrooms
- consults with teachers and parent to promote student's academic success
- provides information on community resources for families
- processes referrals for the identification of special academic needs for children
- participates in curriculum development
- promotes student achievement and character education through special events
- offers positive strategies for all learners
We have many great things happening on our campus this year! Please keep checking our website for special announcements, events and deadlines!!
If you need immediate assistance, please call the front office at 903-872-6541.
Email: mmedrano@cisd.org